
Best Facebook Practices for Page Posts in 2021

Facebook was the first social media platform to consider launching ads, and that was revolutionary. 

Today, Facebook ads have become a yardstick on other social platforms’ ad algorithms. 

Facebook has since been a powerful tool for businesses of all sorts. 

That’s no accident. Facebook tends to prioritize and rank content that keeps people on the platform. As a result, your content strategy should integrate a combination of the following:

  • Videos, images, memes or infographics that don’t link out anywhere
  • Questions and discussions among your followers
  • Requests for followers to share their experiences, photos and so on

Schedule your daily posting

Posts are often the first impressions people have of your business, so make sure they attract and engage potential customers. 

On Facebook, you can create different types of posts. Each has its own benefits and can be used in different ways to inspire engagement. Your brand's social media strategy and goals may influence the style of posts you will publish.

Use high-quality creative: people are likely to be more likely to click it, interact and respond positively to posts with creative ideas that grab their attention. Every post should contain creative, such as images, GIFs or videos. Make sure these creative assets are of high quality. Don't use blurry images or videos. Avoid using creative that does not accurately express your brand or message.

Add Creative Pictures To Generate Engagement. 

You know your brand best, and you know the best way to showcase it. Flaunt your products and services in a way that compels people to stop and look! Incorporate your products with themes like upcoming seasons, festivals, games, sports, or whatever your target audience is into.

The best part about social media is the variety. Keep your creativity rolling!

Make posts actionable: Try different strategies to grab your audience's attention and prompt them to take the action you care about. Share articles or blogs from your website. Provide a link to your newsletter sign-up form. Ask your followers to answer questions or share their opinions in the comments section of your post. While not every post needs to encourage action, actionable posts may increase engagement and provide business value when the action is directly related to your business goals.

Publish Stories to “skip the line” of the Facebook ranking

As with any social network, it was wise to take advantage of the emerging new features.

It took a while, but Facebook Stories has finally become a staple of the platform and is widely used by businesses.

In short, Facebook Stories allows you to post short, impromptu content that places your brand in the news feed of your followers. This essentially allows you to bypass the Facebook algorithm and grab the attention of your followers as soon as you post a new story.

Create positive word-of-mouth through groups and personal accounts

Remember that if no one else is promoting your page, the reach of your page will always face an uphill battle.

Generating word of mouth and mentions through personal accounts is key to increasing your visibility on Facebook.

For example, brands on Facebook will often ask employees to share their latest posts and updates to increase their reach. By having employees advocate, you can reach exponentially more people than through your own followers.

By sticking to them while experimenting with your content and tracking your data. Did you know you can schedule Facebook posts and Stories with JarveePro? Get started with JarveePro for free and take control of your Facebook marketing.